when i was growing up my dad worked for the airlines. he traveled a lot & always brought us back "treats". he took a trip to New Orleans & from then on we were hooked. on these... beignets. they are a little french doughnut, kind of like a scone, but not. wow!- i am so crappy at this descriptive stuff! anyway, they became a Sunday tradition at our house & i think that they would be a perfect Christmas morning treat. they are super easy! all you do is add water to the mix made by Cafe Du Monde. roll them out, cut & fry them up. cover them in powder sugar & enjoy. okay, okay... the giveaway. you get 2 boxes of Beignet mix, a cute little aluminium sugar shaker & this darling rectangular milk glass platter. perfect for serving these little babies.
just leave a comment with one of your Christmas traditions. we will end it Tuesday at 10 am. This whole midnight thing is way too late for me! Good luck & happy cooking!