Hello all. I had to wake up for work at 5.30 in the morning today, so I figured I'd reward myself after. I didn't have much to spend so I hit the thrift store. I always seem to have good luck on chance visits and today's trip paid off handsomely.
For the last few years I've always looked for "Bobby blouses" at the thrift store. Basically, they're silky dress shirts with bold patterns that I can imagine Bob Dylan would've worn sometime in the sixties. In the Fall, H&M had a cotton shirt, black with pale pink polka dots, but it wasn't slouchy or silky enough so I passed it up, holding out for something better. Well, I found it today. A vintage, 100% silk black shirt with white polka dots, a la Bobby.

I look like a huge dork but I do not care. I am pleased as punch.
Another find. This vintage furry-fuzzy textured coat with quarter-length sleeves. It'll be nice for when Winter starts to mild itself out.
And lastly in the wardrobe department of things, this crushed velvet 1950/60s (I'm guessing from the tags) black cape. I looooove it. My mom kept saying, "turn up the collar, turn up the collar!" which made me feel like an extra on Mad Men if Mad Men had vampires.
I'm not quite sure what this book is. I assumed it was a compilation of articles and what not from the magazine "True Confessions", but I looked it up and it says that launched in 1922, whereas this book says 1919 ... so I'm confused. Plus, the book is mapped out like a magazine and has magazine ads from the time period in it. So who knows! Regardless, it's an awesome little piece of ephemera. I have an addiction to old ads, especially of the hilariously sexist variety. They really put things into perspective, don't you think? See examples below ...

- "We are still the weaker sex" (Which basically goes on to say that despite women working along with men during wartime, they are still 'weak' and need to look pretty presentable, and fresh. Gee whiz.)
- "Women! Earn Money!" (Women earning money? How shocking!)
- "Are You Flat-Chested?" (Then you should probably go home and cry into your jazz records.)
Literally every page is full of ads like this. Funny and disheartening all at once. But you've gotta love the illustrations.
Well, well, I am exhausted. I think it's high time for a nap. I hope you're all well and braving the Winter chill with courage in your heart. See? I am tired. And rambling. Sleep. Now.